NPA-NXX - 201-237

This is the 201-237 subcode (NPA-NXX) prefix page. Follow a prefix to find the number you are looking for. We divide our pages up to make them more user friendly to navigate!

The 201-237 subcode mainly covers Rutherford in Bergen county. But other numbers maybe included as well.

We have a database of information derived from the public phone records of New Jersey state. Many of the numbers in this subcode are Mixed registered to American Messaging. We hear they employ a large number of people in the New Jersey office.
Recently there have been an increase in reported calls, we've had over 905116 comments across our systems for the 201-237 subcode.

Looking for a different number? Follow a link below to see our recently active.

337-706-9339 631-784-5752 407-208-3884 443-860-7335 401-537-9014
518-851-5521 631-749-9667 651-337-8118 512-882-8000 936-224-8398